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Unravel Yourself

From the Inside Out


"I want to share my story to not only deepen my healing journey, but to empower others to heal themselves."



Meet Wendy

BEd, MEd, Coordinator, SAHM, HCL, Author


Welcome to Unravel Yourself.  This is your invitation to dip your toe or dive into unravelling more meaning and depth in your life.


Unravelling is a passion of mine because it is an art of self discovery.  Discovering the how's and why's of our behavior; getting to the core of why we do what we do; and then uncovering the Truth that sets us free.  Free to follow our true, unique path of peace, meaning and knowing.



I work with women who are longing, searching, feeling the call of moreMore depth in their lives; More meaningful conversations; Wanting to shed the masks; and acknowledge their exhaustion from trying to do it all while fitting into societal norms.



Being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) and Heart Centered Leader (HCL).  These two roles have taught me the meaning of a loving life and have brought me to the healthy place and space today.  I am a Certified Heart Centered Leader, a program created by Danielle LaPorte and her team.  Through Heart Centered exercises, bring curious and sharing our stories, we will unravel the truth at your pace.



During my professional accomplishments and looking put together, I experienced shadows of myself and hard lessons the Universe taught me.

  • I began stuttering at the age of ten;

  • I adopted an eating disorder in my early 20's;

  • I lost my father to cancer in my late 20's. I could never say 'I love you' until then;

  • I experienced several panic attacks where I drove myself to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack;

  • I worked hard at accomplishing work successes but never felt successful;

  • I avoided uncomfortable feelings for most of my life by staying busy, working, avoiding myself, eating and drinking, numbing myself and letting all of it protect me from feeling hurt, sad or acknowledging the truth;

  • In my 30's I was inappropriately touched/treated at two separate social functions that had me questioning myself more than the people who invaded my space.


The armor of perfection kept me looking like I had it all together, but I did not.  However, even during the highs and lows, I knew in my heart I was a Student of Life and there was more to all this madness.  There is peace, there is depth and there is love.


Today I have not only experienced the perceived brokenness but has also experienced the beauty of the madness.  I am grateful for all of my experiences because of them, I am here today. There's no blame.  I am not a victim.  I am possible.


Let's unravel together.




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'Coffee Talk' Complimentary Session

Before committing to working together, let's chat.  Ask me questions and share your desires.  30 minutes for you and me.

Transformation Session,

1 hour

We will begin unravelling with Heart Centered practices to personalize your journey.

3 Transformation Session Package,

Let's dive in together with consistent exercises to insure you are heading in the direction of your dreams.

Free Workshops & Sessions


Details and dates are available online through:





Direct to your Inbox:

Unravel Yourself Newsletter


​Sign up for your Newsletter for up to date information regarding workshop and session details.

Coming Soon, Summer 2024


Book Club: Full Circle Experience


Have a book club?  Well, I have a book for you...


My Journey. My Story

Unravel Yourself With Me From the Inside Out


Available Spring 2024!


Bring your Book Club together with experience to understand the self together.  

If you're near me, let's get together in person to discuss the book.


If you're distant, not to worry! There's Zoom to bring us together.


Contact me for details and we will make arrangements to bring your Book Club full circle with a unique experience.​

Email me directly to book your session.

SIGN UP for your weekly Inspiration for up to date information & Specials Packages

A calling to women and mothers.

Do you try to do it all?

Do you feel exhausted?

Do you feel resentful and/or angry and don't know why?

Do you listen to others and society for guidance?

Are you tired of the quick fixes?

Do you want more?



If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, then you know there is a better way.


Together we can unravel the answers within through gentle Heart Centered exercises.


Through guidance, you will unravel the truth within you.


Let's Collaborate

Are you a fellow healer who would you like to collaborate? 


Let's support women's health & wellness together.



I am available for and more:

  • Facilitating workshops;

  • Collaborating with professionals;

  • Book Club discussion and gatherings;

  • Speaking at conference, functions, meetings;

  • Supporting personal & professional development.


Email me to collaborate

Inspiration Station

Inspiration has comes from those who share their stories from the heart with courage. Over the course of nearly two decades, I have digested life's Truths from those experienced.


In no particular order, the following are only a few who have guided me on my path.

Kissing in Nature

They inspire me.

They guide me on my path.


You inspire me.

You guide me on my path.


We heal.

We are on our path.



Heart-Shaped Rock Island
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